Science & Medicine Outreach

Making science (& medical information/research) accessible to curious students, frightened patients, and the general public has always been important to me. Social media has provided a platform for me to get more involved in outreach and advocacy activities. I invite everyone to learn more and sign up to participate, if interested, below. #NeuroNewsNight is a  personal project in the works to discuss neuroscience on a monthly basis. I’m still looking for collaborators on this project so if you’re interested fill out the form below to help me launch this twitterchat.

#SciStuChat   Brain Awareness Week    I’m a Scientist USA    Rockafeller University Science Outreach Program     Neuro News Night Chat 

Art is another way of increasing science awareness. A great piece from Michele Banks (@artologica) Check out more of her work at:



For tweetchat etiquette guidelines click on the picture above.

This is a scheduled monthly online conversation between verified scientists and high school students, facilitated by ingenious science teachers. This platform of real-time  Q & A’s that  fosters science enthusiasm, outreach, and answering questions to make science more accessible to the next generation.

Each month a topic is posted with resources before the chat commences. There is a list of proposed questions for during the chat to give it structure and the moderators alternate between science educators, students, and scientists. It is an hour long conversation that is logged into their archives and is really enjoyable to participate in. I have been involved nearly monthly for the past 3 school seasons. To keep up with the coming session follow the creator Adam Taylor and their official twitter profile Students & Scientists.

Brain Awareness Week 

The Society for Neuroscience is an organization for neuroscientists and their research. I became member during my thesis work in graduate school and loved their international outreach program, which is  done in collaboration with the Dana Foundation and

There is a matchmaking type system in place to match neuroscientists that opt in (like me) with educators interested in teaching about the brain or hosting an educational program. There is also the opportunity to register an organization as a brain awareness partner and hold events during Brain Awareness Week.

I’m a Scientist USA  

A free online forum for students to ask scientists questions about their work.  Every several months there is a competition between 5 scientists that are voted on by the students on the basis of participation and communication during the 2 week live chat period. The winner is awarded funding to further promote science outreach and advocacy. I was just nominated to participate in the Helium Zone April/May 2016 event! Check out my profile!

Rockefeller University Science Outreach Program  

Although due to logistical issues and distance I haven’t been able to actively participate on-site I am a huge proponent of this program at RockEDU.

Neuro News Night Chat   

 In a similar fashion to #Scistuchat I have started a twitter chat on neuroscience in the news. neuronewsnight

The goal is to translate new scientific advances to an understandable conversation between students, the general public, and neuroscientists. The chat is open to high school students, undergraduates, graduate students and beyond. Researchers, doctors, high school teachers and any other neuroscience-interested science communication enthusiasts out there are welcome; PhD in Neuroscience not required. The more different perspectives we have the better.

For more information visit:

If you are interested please fill out the form below

You are not obligated to participate every month by signing up. This just helps gauge interest and keeps everyone in the loop as the project grows. Thanks!
For more information on my education specific outreach:  Teaching, Presentations, & Pain Medicine Education



Neuroscientist & Anesthesiologist; Regional Anesthesia & Acute Pain Management Specialist